Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's okay to take a different turn when you feel like it.

Jamie ; Sharmaine ; Lynne ; Kai Sing
Because I haven't been taking pictures as much as I used to.
I grab it from people's blogs and just post it up here.

Today, was under the sun for prolly half an hour.
I'm half a tone darker. But well, if I swim this Friday. 
I'll be like super duper dark.
Today was all about eating. I think I'm binge eating.
Because _ said I shouldn't eat at night.
So I don't eat after 6pm. 
I woke up really hungry today. Feeling as though I haven't been eating for 10 days.
So I had like one piece of french toast on the way.
Then fries. Then neverending chicken fingers. Black pepper chicken fingers.
Then 2 more pieces of french toast. Then rice.
Then another 4 more pieces of french toast.
Sum it all up. I'm eating the amount that a normal person would consume in 3 days.
-_______________________-  *hooooray.. NOT.

Anyways. I haven't done any studying today.
I've been stuck to the laptop and now, I'm gonna take a short nap.
SAY NO TO MORNINGMARES! I know I can be lame most of the times.
But hey, it takes courage to be lame. *flashes innocent smile*

Oh well. I'm gonna sign off now.
Then wake up to 2 more pieces of french toast. 
*pushes reader's jaw back up*
Don't be shocked. Fat people like us, we eat alot. :D

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