Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm still alive, but only half.

Okay I'm feeling pretty pissed about not having my camera.
Like hello?! It's the holidays.
How bad could my holidays get? 

  • My camera will not be with me and this whole week is crucial that I actually HAVE my camera with me. 
  • I need more clothes, my closet is in it's very fatal crisis. Everything seems to be out of place and I don't seem to have enough to wear. 
  • Economy downpour has affected me. The emptier the malls are, the more I love shopping. If I don't stop spending, I think I will spend the rest of my year wearing old ugly rack-like clothes. 
  • I am eating non-stop. And I mean NON-STOP. I've been complaining about being vertically challenged. Now I'm horizontally challenged too. Dammit! 
  • I want a dog. Jeee's is gonna get a dog. :( But I get to be it's mama too! HAHAHAH.

Anyways, talking about Jeee's getting a dog. He said, he wants something less hairy. Something not too big, something not too small. Something that barks real loud and scares people off.
With all these requirements of his I think I'd needa get Frankenstein to create a new breed for him. Or just tell him that there's actually another horrible looking animal that might surely would scare everyone away including himself. 

It's too small, but think about the maintainence fees, saves $$. And also the looks of it is good enough to scare people away, no need for noisy barking when you're trying to sleep no? :p

HEH! Ugly enough to scare you away too I suppose! :p

I am feeling superbly bored. I can't seem to find anything that entertains me.
And the whole phone not ringing issue is getting on my nerves. 
And to think about my trip to UPR last night in Kai Sing's car. Hohoho. 
Kai Sing's probably very very glad to be alive. But hey, I've never killed anyone before. And I don't intend to. So people with heart conditions, please embrace yourselves if you're about to travel around in my ride. :p Oh, and I drift 'cause I'm not patient enough to wait. LOL! :p

I am super unhappy now, I don't like staying home. I wanna go out. *le sigh*

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