Monday, June 22, 2009

Questions and grudges.

Thank you Philip, for being there for me when I needed someone.
For watching me cry through webcam.
For accompanying me up until I fell asleep.
For texting me to keep me company.
For watching me blow my nose a thousand times.
And for knowing that I wasn't alright when you first saw me on cam.
And for knowing that I needed someone at that time of crisis.
Thank you for everything, and the song. :)

I love the dress and I love you more! :D
I did hug the dress to sleep. I know I'm so crazy sometimes.
You came back just on time to share my problems with me and listen to me.
I hate Bali for drawing you there! But I love it because you got me the most awesome looking dress ever! I need to talk to you. So so so badly.

You called when the argument was occuring.
So I had to call you back, despite the fact that I sounded like buffalo trying to speak human language. I did.
And I know you were so tired but you still waited up for me to call back.
You gave me the comfort I needed and you know just what to say.
You knew I wasn't as strong as I pretended to be and stood by me up until today.
Ily! :)

Moomoo a.k.a. Julian
Always like the long lost brother I needed.
You listened to me and made me feel better.
And you were there when I needed you to give me your brotherly advices.
Thanks moomoo!

Anyways, I havent been going out recently.
Besides to the pig farm and von's place.
So no pictures. But I do have a few of von and her family in Bali.
I super love the place although I havent been there before.
But I wont love it as much as Phuket 'cause there's no TomYam in Bali. :p

I am gonna go back to work now.
Looking for a part-time job currently.
Any recommendations? :)

Updates with pictures wont be so soon as I will be busy lately.
And also because I wont be going out as often.
*pats self*

Current mood:
Confused about certain subjects and future plans. / Trying to let go of all the past traumas and grudges, but it's not working. / Thinking about how things are gonna work out if ... and if ... and ... / Feeling sleepy and feeling annoyed by the stitch.

1 comment:

  1. sista! watch this !
