Friday, June 5, 2009

Squeeze some lemon juice on my wound, would you please?

Traffic was like crazy today. Took me an hour to get home from Gurney.
Stupid Kevin is leaving for Pulau Redang tomorrow and leaving me behind in Penang! :(
I am supposed to meet Kai Sing at dancing class today, but the traffic is like fuck.
I want mum to go to Ipoh with Aunt Doreen so I can have some alone time. WITH THE CAR that is. 
I miss having my turqoise flats, but I doubt that I will be wearing flats since I took over one of the super high heels that mum doesn't like but apparently I love it. :p 

I love my new engagement ring. Given to me by myself that is.
Yes, I am engaged to myself. Thank you very much if you're congratulating me.
Fuck off if you can't accept the fact that I am engaged to myself.

I am getting my Dior perfume this week. Either Saturday or Sunday. HOHOHO.
I am going to take over the car. I DON'T CARE if mum screams or wants the car to be left at home. Unless she sponsors me money to take a cab home wherever I go. 

I am gonna go wash up now. Another day of eating.
Lunch: SUPER Spicy Fried Rice at Johny's 
Tea Time: Old Town for White Coffee with SUPER horrible service
Dinner: Poh Piah from New World Park and Ice Kacang.

OMFGOSH right. 

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