Thursday, June 4, 2009

Weighing Machine

Dim Sum in the morning.
Back home, fried bee hoon.
Night time, deep fried fish paste, tandoori!

Next morning, roti canai (sleep right after munching down).
Afternoon, roti canai AGAIN then black glutinous rice desert, iced coffee.
Night time, Sakae Sushi (tempura, more tempura, volcano thingy soft shell crab, steamed egg, raw salmon, unagi), Jeee's mum's home cooked food!

Today, Jeee's mum bought Hokkien Char (11.30am), Mee Rebus (1.30pm), Milano Mocha (4.30pm), McD's LARGE fries (7pm), Chinese Food (stingray with hot sauce and more other HORRIBLE foodstuffs - 8.45pm)

I was on my way to the loo to wash up. Then I looked down and saw the weighing scale.
I didn't know whether to stand on it or just walk pass it. So I looked at it for a split 10 seconds, and decided to just go wash up. 

Since Friday night up until now. I have been eating non stop. I am so so so so so gonna die.

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