Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swallow her then spit her out. *EDITED* :)

I have been having problems with my mobile phone.
The entire left side of the phone died, including the light and the 'calls' and 'back' button.
When I click on the camera, the whole phone stays jammed and I'd have to remove the battery to restart the phone.
The # key is totally not working anymore.
The keypads are cracked.
The up button only works when it feels like working.
Though I do have to compliment the screen.
Because I did get water on it several times and it's still as pretty!

How horribly bad can a phone get you asked?
Answer: Not Never as bad as mine.

You know it's so funny how that VEGETARIAN GIANT BANANA is copying everything that I do. Her pictures, her make-up and her language. But I'm still very stunned by that very time where she called up one of her friends to ask what does 'EXTREME' mean. Her other friend called her extremely stupid. And it is proven that she is, because she cant even understand what EXTREME is. She's an IMAGE CONSULTANT, but you know what, it's the only job she can do as a MAKE-UP ARTIST. Not an image consultant, an image consultant should be able to explain in English, it's an international language, like 'Hello?'. Lol! But she's not that great of a make-up artist to start her career anywhere further from Singapore or Malaysia. If you get to Hollywood, I will consider publishing a public apology to say that I WAS WRONG. But I'm sure that's not gonna happen, because I AM RIGHT, WILL BE RIGHT and is GONNA STAY RIGHT. :)

Oh and the reason she's copying me is 'cause she wants to get closer to the pig. HAHAHA.
The pig is MINE, the pig doesn't like giants. Don't have to copy my pictures and dressing and make-up style. Just start chewing your flabs off and grow shorter and 2 sizes smaller than your current size. :D Loser. HAHA.

Copy my picture below bitch, :p
Don't try too hard, it aint easy to do that with a banana shaped face.

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