Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How did June pass by without me knowing?

Reminder to all: Smoking is bad for health. :p

Went for Tandoori with Moomoo when he came back from KL. :D
Yes, i love stalking him. :p

That's James beside him btw. :)
Hello James!
*brushes James' hair with pillow*

Now they ought to learn how to play nice.

Pretty random.
Went out dont-remember-when, took a few shots of completely nothing.
Can you feel the nothing-ness? :p

Oh and i finally had Nando's. Yay yay. :p
But it wasnt a very joyful experience AFTER my meal.
Tonnes of shit happened.
Involving shit and being 20 mins late for class.
What joy.

The sister is back from Aussie.

And the tests all either say I die of alcohol abuse.
Or I am abusing the existence of alcohol. What joy.
Anyways, no alcohol for me anymore.
I'm a party pooper, i admit it. :p

Days are going by faster and faster that it's starting to freak me out.
I'm not getting any healthier if it makes some of you out there happier to know.
I have been staying up really late doing completely nothing at all.
Day dreaming and falling asleep instantly after meals.

After typing that, i realised that i am feeling a tad sleepy.
Goodnight all, or noon that is. *yawns*

p/s: get over it, loser.

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